Chinese School at Chapel Hill - Class Profile

Class Name:Go (Weiqi) 围棋
Class Room:832
Class Time:5:00-5:50 PM
Pre-requirement:6 and up
Class Goal:中国人发明的围棋不仅其(棋)乐无穷,而且在娱乐中有修心养性的作用。中文学校的围棋课旨在寓教于乐,重点培养孩子们对围棋的兴趣,提高围棋技能,教导注重礼仪,并且将围棋动漫融入课程以增加乐趣。这样让孩子们更有兴趣学习围棋。 围棋的第一课教的是棋品。开局时的互相问候,对局后的道别,我们学会了尊重。下棋过程中落子无悔,让孩子们懂得了担当。赢棋后的洋洋得意,输棋后的心灰意冷,这时是锻炼胜不骄败不馁最好时机。这些点点滴滴是在课本里学不到的,但在围棋班我们可以! 围棋即简单又复杂,简单的规则,复杂的变化。这样对教学会有一定难度。围棋课在教学上化繁为简,把枯燥的死记硬背转换成以实战为主。在实战中孩子们在胜负心的驱使下更有兴趣学习围棋。学生在实战中由浅至深,循序渐进,学习到各种技能,比如初级的吃子,死活棋,征子,打劫,到中级的布局,定式,先手,手筋,再到高级的大局观,中盘战斗,收官等等。课程会根据各个孩子的不同情况和水平来教导。 网课对围棋教学来说优势更得天独厚。围棋网站上下棋会方便快捷,而且每盘棋都有记录,便于查找用于复盘。围棋软件的使用为复盘大大节约了时间,增加了学习效率。各种定式,死活题,手筋练习在围棋软件上可以更快的展示和演练。 教师简介: 况老师在中文学校担任围棋老师多年。过去的十六年里在况老师带领下凯瑞中文学校的围棋班学生参加了许多围棋比赛并获得殊荣,其中包括2012年在北卡黑山举行的第二十八届全美围棋大赛中学生曾思诚荣获四级(4 kyu)组全国冠军,还有由学生组成的队伍屡获全美校制团体比赛的第一名,在北卡州内的比赛中凯瑞中文学校的围棋选手多次摘取桂冠。 Weiqi (Go) is very fun to play. The players not only enjoy the game but also are able to comprehend the philosophy in their lives. The weiqi class in CCS is set the goal to attract the students, enhance their weiqi skills, and teach them the etiquette in both the weiqi class and their daily lives. Weiqi cartoon will be introduced in the class to get the students' interest and motivate them to learn weiqi. The first things to learn in weiqi are the weiqi characters. The greetings before and after the game let the students acknowledge respect. Every student has a better understanding of responsibility because of the no regret move rule. Avoiding being arrogant when you are wining and being discouraged when you are losing. The students can't learn this knowledge in the books, but in the weiqi class they can. Weiqi is both simple and complicated. The rules are simple but the strategies are complicated. In the weiqi class, I try my best to simplify the complications. Combining the real games and the teaching is the way to attract the students to learn weiqi basic skills like catching race, life and death problems, ladder capture, ko, the intermediate skills like fuseki (opening), joseki (ding shi), sente, tesuji, and the advanced skills like whole board thinking, middle game fighting, ending game etc.. The teaching pace fits every student's level. Internet classes have a big advantage in teaching weiqi. Playing weiqi games is much easier online and every game is kept in the weiqi server. It is convenient to search the game records for a review. The weiqi software makes life much better for game reviews and skill practices like death and life problems, tesuji exercises etc. Teacher Introduction: Jeff Kuang has been teaching in Cary Chinese School since the weiqi class was established in 2004. A lot of students from CCS weiqi class achieved outstanding results which include that Sicheng Zeng earned the national first place in 4 kyu group in the 28th U.S. Go Congress in Black mountain, NC in 2012, the Cary Chinese School weiqi team won the first place multiple times in the National School Team Tournament, and multiple weiqi class students stood first in the North Carolina Go Tournaments.
Teacher Name:Salantrie, Frank
Teacher Contact Info:Phone:    Email:
Parents Representative: 
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Class DateClass PlanClass Day
01/06/2024 Yes
01/20/2024 Yes
01/27/2024 Yes
02/03/2024 Yes
02/17/2024 Yes
02/24/2024 Yes
03/02/2024 Yes
03/09/2024 Yes
03/16/2024 Yes
03/23/2024 Yes
04/13/2024 Yes
04/20/2024 Yes
04/27/2024 Yes
05/04/2024 Yes
05/11/2024 Yes
05/18/2024 Yes
06/01/2024 Yes
06/08/2024 Yes
No School: 01/13/2024(MLK Holiday),   02/10/2024(Spring Festival Celebration),   03/30/2024(Spring break),   04/06/2024(Spring break),   05/25/2024(Memborial Day)
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